Spot reduction
Many people want to reduce obesity by adopting weight loss process. In that process they are more particular to lose weight focussing particular part of the body. Say for example they are more interested to reduce the weight of belly, arms or thighs. As such instead of focussing whole body to lose weight they aim obese areas of the body. Even they aim to lose weight more quickly than adopting healthy procedure. Such part of the body focussed for attention is called ‘spot reduction’.
Area focussed exercise
The common practice among people focussing ‘spot reduction’ is to go to gym and do particular or specific exercise targeting that particular overweight area only. This is somewhat dangerous phenomenon. Instead of doing whole body exercise they concentrate on one part of the body so as to reduce the over weight quickly and economically. This type of action often leads to health issues such as heart problem and diabetes. One must be cautious in this type of focussed approach.
Best way to reduce weight
Many studies done earlier on these type of approaches reveal that ‘spot reduction in weight loss’ does not yield desired result. Instead of betterment general health of the body is in danger in course of time. Physical exercise combined with diet management are the only reliable way to achieve the weight loss as recommended by experts in the medical field. Regular exercise and healthy diet are the easy simple approach one can look forward in these modern days. In reality you can lose weight by exercising and having a good diet but, you just can’t burn fats from a single area without losing fats from your overall body! That is the point one should understand.
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